AP Testing

Advanced Placement Testing, GHS

Advanced Placement Exams will be given at Gateway High School on May 3 - 14, 2021.   Registration for the 2021 Advanced Placement exams will run from October 6 through November 10, 2020. Registration forms are available in the Counseling Office or from your AP teacher. Please make sure all registrations are returned directly to the Counseling Office. The 2020-2021 Bulletin for AP students and parents, as well as information helpful when taking AP exams, can be found at www.collegeboard.org by clicking on the link “AP Students”.

The fee for each Advanced Placement exam for 2021 is $94.00. The fee for each exam for students qualifying for Free/Reduced lunch is $53.   If you are unsure about your readiness for an exam, we encourage you to register prior to the deadline, November 10, 2020. 

Please return the registration form with your check made payable to Gateway High School to the Counseling Office, no later than Tuesday, November 10, 2020 Late registrations will not be accepted.

Online AP Scores for Students

Scores will be available to students online at apscore.collegeboard.org in early July. In order to access and send their scores to prospective colleges, students must create and have a College Board account. Students must use the same email address to create their account that they provide on their AP answer sheet. For more information about AP Exams, including the schedule of exam dates, please go to their website, www.collegeboard.org.