Food Service Wellness Information
School Wellness Policy
School districts are required to participate in the National School Lunch and School Breakfast programs and develop local school wellness policies that address student nutrition and physical activity (Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004).
The 2010 Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act requires schools to:
- Permit parents to participate in the development of local school wellness policies.
- Update and inform parents about the policies’ content and implementation.
Parents often are unaware of their right to be involved with their school’s wellness committees and to have a say in the wellness policies related to nutrition and physical activity.
An effective, comprehensive school wellness policy includes:
- Nutrition education and physical activity goals
- Nutrition guidelines for all foods available on the school campus
- Ways for parents, students, school administrators, the school board, the school food authority and the general public to get involved in developing and evaluating the wellness policy
- Other school-based activities designed to promote student wellness
- Plans for evaluating the school wellness policy
As set forth by the Gateway School District Student Wellness Policy No. 246, the "District Health Council" shall have the primary focus to, "serve as an advisory committee regarding student health issues and shall be responsible for developing a Student Wellness Policy that complies with law to recommend to the Board for adoption."
If you are interested in becoming involved in the continued development of the updated “Student Wellness Policy No. 246,” you are encouraged to become an active member of the “Health Council.” You may do so by contacting Director of Food Service, Martin Lorenzo by email at or phone at (412) 373-5776.